While you are in Google Analytics, you should…

33. Optimize Your Best Traffic Sources

In Analytics, go to Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium.


Now you’ll see where your traffic is coming from:


Finding top traffic sources in Google Analytics

Finding top traffic sources in Google Analytics

In case you are unsure:


Source is the place users are before seeing your content, like a search engine or another website.

Medium describes how users arrived at your content.

From here, you want to ask a few questions about your traffic sources:


Which send the highest volume of traffic.

Which send the highest-converting traffic.

Which send the most engaged  premium sofas online traffic.

From there, try and figure out why those sources are effective. Then try to replicate it.


And it’s not just your traffic source you should be thinking about…


34. Steal Your Competitors’ Traffic Sources

Sometimes the best way to get more traffic is to see what is already working… and then do that.


One of the quickest ways to do this is by ‘stealing’ your competitor’s traffic. If you feel bad about stealing from your competitors, let’s just call it reverse engineering instead.


Now you will need to use an SEO tool for this one.


Here are two quick ways to spy on your competitors:


Competitor Traffic Method #1 – SimilarWeb

Go to SimilarWeb and paste your competitors URL in the search box.


Scroll down to the Referrals sections to see exactly where they are getting their traffic from:


Spying on your competitors traffic using SimilarWeb

Spying on your competitors traffic using SimilarWeb

Competitor Traffic Method #2 – Ahrefs

Go to the Ahrefs backlink checker. Input your competitor’s domain and click check backlinks.


Now you’ll be able to see the top 100 backlinks and how much estimated traffic they are sending to your competitor:


Spying on your competitors traffic using Ahrefs

Spying on your competitors traffic using Ahrefs

Armed with the knowledge of what is working for your competition, you can go out and try to replicate it.


Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding relevant phrases (keywords) that your audience is searching for.


Once you have a list of keywords, you want to include them in pages with the intention of these pages showing up in search engines.


There are lots of ways to generate keywords, using both free and premium tools.


Let’s get started:


Prefer to watch the video version?


35. Target Topics with Traffic Potential

SEO is one of the best ways to send consistent traffic to your blog (more on this later in this article).


But to get Google to send visitors your way, you need to be showing up for the right keywords. In other words: you need to target keywords with traffic potential.


After all, you want your traffic to look like this:


organic traffic increases

The type of graph all website owners want to see: organic traffic increases

The metrics you want to keep in mind when doing keyword research are:


Search and Global Volume: how many people are searching the keyword each month

Keyword Difficulty: how difficult the keyword will be to rank for.

There are lots of free and paid keyword research tools available. Here are some of the best:
